Stay-at-home moms are underrated. And for the most part, they do not get the appreciation they deserve. Most people wrongly assume that stay-at-home moms do nothing. Or, if they do, they do too less. But the truth is that stay-at-home moms carry the heaviest burden of the household. Looking after kids, preparing food, cleaning the house, and doing laundry, you name it. Stay-at-home moms wear all hats and are a jack of all trades when it comes to taking care of their children. Unfortunately, they are not appreciated in return. There is more: Stay-at-home moms struggle with inner loneliness, and as this loneliness prevails, it turns into chronic depression.
Here is how a typical man-led family works: The man goes out, does a job, and brings food to the table. Of course, making ends meet is by no means an easy thing. These men work hard. They are hard laborers and bricklayers. But the nature of their jobs is that they remain in social contact with the external world.
This is not true when it comes to Stay-at-home moms. Unlike men, Stay-at-home moms are confined to their house. All they have to do is take care of the whole household stuff. Everything essential to operate a household in a smooth manner is taken care of by these stay-at-home moms. So, during the process, they feel inner loneliness; psychologically speaking, if loneliness prevails for an extended period, it turns into depression.
That is why it is mandatory for men to be empathetic about Stay-at-home moms. Simultaneously, these women also have to look after their mental health themselves. As a result, they can effectively avoid any major mental disorder like depression.
With that said, here is what Stay-at-home moms can do to avoid depression:
Connect With Others
One of the most effective ways of coping with depression is socializing. Meaning you will have to connect with the ones you love and your family members. It is also important to check up on your childhood friends and see what is going on in their lives. If possible, catch up with them.
So, reach out to your friends and loved ones. Ask if you can meet in person. If yes, go for it. It will serve as therapy for you.
Prioritize Your Mental Health
Charity begins at home, they say. If your mental health is not in a stable condition, you can do no good for your kids and family. So, look after your mental health first. At the end of the day, you have also got a life to live. You do not necessarily have to spend it on others.
So, address the elephant in the room first. Then, on your responsibilities.
Opt For A Therapy If Things Get Worse
If you try these two and do not feel the difference, the last option you have is to opt for therapy. Select a mental health professional and tell him what you are going through.
In turn, this therapist will diagnose the problem and will get you the solution.