The outgoing year 2022 was challenging for every employee. There was the fear of the looming recession. Inflation was on the rise. Similarly, the cost of living continued to rise throughout the outgoing. The new year 2023, seems to be no different. Unfortunately, the problems that older American adults faced in 2022 are still there.
According to the latest report from Forbes, More than ever before, older American adults are looking for new jobs. And existing older workers are looking to prolong their retirement. While average Americans used to get retired at the age of 50, now they are looking to get retired at 65. Thus, this poses an enormous challenge for older adults who are seeking jobs.

Andrea / Pexels / As older American adults are prolonging their retirement, landing new jobs is becoming a herculean task for adult job seekers.
Of course, the rising cost of living is to blame here. As the cost of living rises, older adults can not help but continue working - either part-time or full-time. On top of that, some adults are bothered by the mayhem of the COVID-19 pandemic. In order to recover from the financial loss that they encountered during the coronavirus pandemic, older adults are looking for new career paths - saying no to retirement.
Here are some apparent challenges that older American adult job seekers are facing in 2023:
Age Discrimination
The number one hurdle for these adult job seekers is age discrimination, argues Lori Mayson - who is currently in her 60s and is working. According to Lori, employers look for young talents in their job posts. And older adults who are willing to work become a victim of age stereotypes.

Clem / Pexels / Older adults who are seeking new career paths become a victim of age discrimination as employers look for young talents.
Thus, these adult job seekers are left out. Despite the fact that these advanced have got the expertise and experience, they are overlooked because of their age.
Lack of Flexibility
Another massive challenge older adults face is a lack of flexibility. Employers today believe in “you can not teach an old dog new tricks.” Meaning, employers believe that older adults can not keep up with the fast-paced technology of the modern world.

Andrea / Pexels / Employers assume that older adults can not keep up with the fast-paced technology of the modern world.
As a result, they overlook adult job seekers. Instead of considering these adult job seekers, they opt for young talents. Employers argue that young talents are easy to retain and train on new skills. On the other hand, adult job seekers can be hard to train new skills and retain them in the long run. Consequently, these adult job seekers are left unnoticed.
Some Handy Tips For Adult Job Seekers
At this point, what could adult job seekers do it land a secure job? Well, there are some tips that can help adult job seekers in landing as a secure job:
- Be a “mature” job seeker.
- Make your work history concise.
- Create a polished resume by categorically showcasing your skill sets.
- Show your expertise and experience to the employer in the most succinct way.
- Build your digital presence - on social media platforms.
- Be flexible.